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A first attempt at reimagining Bonjour Tristesse resulted in a 4 minute film focused on the stages of memory that she went through, attempting to create cinematically, a sense of the three abstract notions of memory/self alluded to by Natalie Morello in her study guide.
These essentially positioned Cecile as the present, the past and the present in the present. Interpreting these visually, I assigned a monochrome palette to the still images of Meditarraenan beaches, slowly coming into colour as ‘Cecile’ recalls a memory, that then evolves into an abstracted image that makes less sense as ‘Cecile’ has gone deep into her subconscious. The sound was designed to accompany her into this journey.

Still photographs by Tomas Watson on location at Schinias Beach, Athens

Read by Elodie, from BONJOUR TRISTESSE written by Francoise Sagan

Music "Heaven" IMONSTER by kind permission of Dharma Records

All editing, creation, sound design, sound recording and filmmaking by Annie Watson

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